Thursday, 17 October 2013

SPOJ : GHOSTS Wrong Answer(WA) / Time Limit Exceeded(TLE)

This problem!

1) If you are getting Wrong Answer : 

=> Check for the condition :
                      looping on the same node(1 1) ,(2 2)....
                      Example :  3
                                       1 1
                                       2 2
                                       1 2

2) If you are getting Time Limit Exceeded :

=> Do-not add edge when there already exists a path between two nodes.
                       Example : if input is (a b) then there is no need to add edge if you  already have path from a to b ( a~>b) as it adds nothing to the given graph.

Monday, 26 August 2013

My favourite picture till date ! ^_^

I don't know why ,but still I want to share my favourite picture (which I also found somewhere on the internet itself :P)

This is so cute ^_^

(Runtime Error) SIGABRT C++

OMG ! This is one of the most irritating errors from all of which I have encountered till date.

Just one line of guidance :
I was solving one of the problems in spoj
The solution according to me had no glitches. But spoj was giving  Runtime error SIGABRT and I didn't find any good article about the explanation of this error. After half an hour of search I found out that It was due to the stack I was using in its implementation . Actually Stack (stl) does-not work for large values as it has some problems in large memory allocations(In this case it was 10^5)
so when I changed it to simple array it worked . ! ^_^ yay ! I thought of sharing this so that you people catch it early and try to improve your codes . :)

Thursday, 24 May 2012


I just started using this app in my android.This app basically allow users to set password for some of their secret or private apps.For example generally people keep there facebook,gmail,twitter "loggedin" in their phones. So whenever for any of the reasons if phone is to be handled to anyone ,it threatens your security or if taken in other sense, that is some of the apps which cannot be used by each and every person who guages your phone, then this app is lyk a heaven for u! :D

              APP LOCK